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Monday, December 10, 2012


What do we face as men of God in today’s world that really just shuts us down? I have began to read a book that was given to me by a fellow brother in Christ yesterday. The book is called Battle Ready and when it was handed to me I was told that I better be prepared to be attacked. I must say that they weren’t lying. Within the first few pages of this book, the author hits on something that is absolutely true I believe.
1.       Men across the land are discouraged and depressed and verging on outright despair
2.       The reason for this despair and discouragement is a giant named uncertainty
Where I have to try and relate this and make it known is down to the level of the younger generation. I was conducting a service a few Wednesday’s ago where the statement came out that “I do not believe we are a country of Christians anymore”. Now this statement came from one of my seniors and it wasn’t a question rather a to the point factual statement. And I mean who can blame them for feeling like this.
Uncertainty has been placed into their lives almost from the time that they were able to read and answer questions for themselves. Even in today’s school systems if the uncertainty is not being taught in the classroom it is being relayed on the playground. What I find discouraging is that I live in the “Bible Belt” and the negative nature to positive spiritual development of our children is appalling.
The fact of the matter is that we have let this uncertainty into our lives at every level. I mean if you look at it from a Christian teenager’s standpoint, it is easier to be any other religion out there publicly than it is to be a Christian. The people in this country are afraid to offend any non Christian religion on fear of being attacked for discrimination. I know this is entering a kind of slippery slope were I should tread lightly.  I will state up front that I have no hatred or ill feelings towards other religions, although there was a time I did. See I believe that is the key to why we as Christians have begun to suffer a subtle persecution. As a Christian we are commanded to love, love, and love some more.
You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I tell you, don’t resist an evildoer. On the contrary, if anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. As for the one who wants to sue you and take away your shirt, let him have your coat as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to the one who asks you, and don’t turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. (Matthew 5:38-42)
So that is the uncertainty that our students and children are facing nowadays. We teach our children to love their enemies and suffer through persecution. They go to school and they deal with this persecution on a daily basis while others are left alone. It makes sense to me sometimes why they would find it hard to follow the right path. It definitely makes sense why they would feel depressed, discouraged, or in despair.

So what can we do to fix this issue? I think the only thing we can do in this case is continue to stay involved in our students and children’s lives as much as possible to show them the positive outcome of following Christ. We as a adult generation need to understand that our children are our future and that without our guidance and love they could turn away from what is right to go with what is easy. When things get hard on us as adults, instead of doing the easy things, maybe we should choose to do the Godly things and show our children/students that we don’t just talk the talk but we also walk the walk. That’s what quality leadership does, they set the example for other to follow.
I asked this question the other day to my students and I will share that same topic with you now.
I am sure that there are those of you reading this have a handful or more of friends out there that do not know Jesus Christ, and you are not so worried about that. So for those of you who are in that situation or fall into this category I will put it a different way. There are some of you who are reading this that have a handful or more of friends who are going to hell and you don’t care. Are you truly being a friend?
God has commanded us to GO OUT and make disciples. We cannot do this if we stay in this uncertain, discouraged, and depressed state. It is time we glorified our God the way He deserves and share His word with everyone we encounter.
In His Love,
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