So this is day two in my venture into reading this Battle Ready book. Let me tell you something, I usually read at a pace that is blistering, I mean I can finish a book in a week normally if not sooner. But for some reason, I cannot read this one that fast. I am finding that I have to sit here and read each and every word and actually come to grasp with what it is actually saying.
Today I have made it to page 20 and have come to an abrupt stop. Have come to the subject of God’s providence and what that means. I saw this and was like, oh yeah I have heard this sermon before and it was a little complicated. Now I can read up on it and try and relate it to my students and young ones when that time comes. Then reality hit, this is gonna be hard for me to understand. How do I expect to relay this to my students if I don’t fully understand it?
Simply put the providence of God means
· God will provide
· He will give us what we need when we need it
· He will sustain us and keep us going
Can it really be that simple? A lot of us, and I am guilty also, look at His providence as some complicated alter reality that we perceive it to be. When the truth is simply that easy. God will provide, He will give us what we need when we need it, and He will sustain us and keep us going.
So now I have to wonder and ask; why is it so hard for our students/children to understand that God will provide for us? I believe that the answer to this question is that we as adults are not showing our students/children that we completely believe in God’s providence. I mean we walk around and when things go good in our lives or our community we give credit to Him, but when things go wrong or bad we don’t give Him credit for it. I know you are sitting there thinking about that statement saying why would we give credit to God for the bad things? The answer is pretty simple; God is the creator of all things, good and bad. God does use bad situations in order to bring glory to Him. It only makes sense that we should praise Him when things are going well and when things are going not so well.
That for us as parents is one of the only ways that we will be able to impress upon our students/children that God will provide for us. The ability to take that leap and tithe your full 10% when you don’t think that you can, the ability to put everything in your life on the altar and let God provide for you. Until we completely submit to God’s divine providence we will restrict ours and our children’s walk with the Lord.
Take the time this week and sit with your children/students and ask them what they truly believe about God providing for them. It’s hard for our youth to put that type of faith into something if we as adults are not going to lead them in that direction. I mean I have sat there and questioned whether or not God was going to provide for my family, fully knowing what His word says. For me to even question this is something that I should and have repented for. We all need to look inward sometimes and evaluate what we are doing in our relationships with Him. Are we questioning things we have no right to question?
The Lord has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all. (Psalm 103:19)
If we can show our younger generation that we have the faith in our God to keep His promises, which just might be what it takes to turn the corner in the spiritual war that our children/students are experiencing in this new culture of theirs. Just sayin….
In His Love,
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