I have been out of the loop for a few days due to a situation that came into my life, that I am actually basing this blog on. I have heard several times over the past few weeks while at service the saying "Put it all on the altar," without really understanding the meaning. Now I believe I have a better understanding of this saying.
This last week has literally sucked for me in a physical sense, but in a spiritual sense, it has been outstanding. First off the week began with an ambulance being called for me last Monday night due to some abdominal pain that I was having. Let me tell you this pain felt like I was going to die. I know that during this episode while I was in the ER I was definately praying out loud for Gods help.
I followed up from the ER visit with my normal Dr. that Thursday and was told that I had a bad gall bladder and that I needed to be referred to surgery. So the next day I spent the whole day at the hospital running tests and talking to the surgeon. We aggreed that I would have my gall bladder removed on Tuesday the 19th of July. After going back to work and explaining what was going on, I suddenly came to the harsh realization, I am not in the Military no more. What exactly does this mean you might ask? Well for one, it means that when you dont work, you dont get paid. HAHA new concept for me after being in the military so long.
So I decided to go back and ask the surgeon if he could push my surgery one week to the right so my paycheck would not be so affected. He told me no, that the gall bladder had to come out as soon as possible. So I called my wife and explained to her what was going on, and also to let her know that my next paycheck was going to be real bad, and to see what our options were. Well we could ask my parents for the money to cover us, could ask her parents, or take out a short term loan. Well after some discussion we went with option 4, which was to pray as a family and put it all on the altar and let God take care of us.
Let me tell you, it worked. At about 6 PM that night, I started to have another abdominal attack. This once again landed me in the hospital, which in the end resulted in the surgery being performed on Saturday. This in turn made it to where I could go back to work earlier to maximize my hours for my pay period.
Sometimes it truly is remarkable the way that God works. I know that He is watching my family and myself, and we love Him in the Agape way and will serve the Lord any way He directs us.
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