Kids First Family Bible Study
Last night I started to implement our nightly Bible Study inside the house and I must say I think that it went well. I have decided to go with the Bible in a year program with the kids to see how they would be able to handle it and they did pretty good. The study/reading went for about an hour and the kids didn’t complain once, that is a first for me.
We started with Genesis chapter 1 focusing on the creation of the earth and all that the earth encompasses. I was completely thrilled to see that even after reading the whole chapter, the kids were able to answer the questions that I had outlined for them with very little prompting. They were able to tell me what God created on each day for the first six days, they were able to tell me how many times God said “it was good” in the first chapter, and they were also able to summarize what the chapter was about. It was wonderful to see my kids actually compete over who would answer each question and to show excitement over hearing and reading the Word. Each one of the children took part in reading 4-5 verses at a time and were always eager to read more.
We then moved to Mathew chapter 1 which focused on the lineage of Jesus and his birth. The lineage portion to the children was definitely harder for them to take in, but once we got to the circumstances around the conception and birth of Jesus the kids were all ears and just chomping at the bit to put their input in. I think the hardest part of this lesson was trying to explain why it was such a miracle that Mary was pregnant. My kids are young and we haven’t really covered sex education yet so trying to explain the importance of Mary being a virgin yet being pregnant was a little hard for me. Thank God for Anna who simply put it that Mary was a special girl who was given a special gift by God to be the mother of Jesus Christ who was put on this earth by His Father to die for our sins. If it wasn’t for her I probably would have had to have a sex education class to explain it. In addition the kids were able to properly identify that the lineage of Jesus tracked back 42 generations to Abraham, that Mary was given a special gift by the Holy Spirit, and that Joseph was told by an Angel of the Lord to marry Mary and name the child Jesus.
Next came Ezra chapter 1 which focused on the return of the exiles to Jerusalem. This one was a little hard to explain to children so young. They were able to recognize that God commanded King Cyrus through Jeremiah to basically invite the exiles back to Jerusalem and allow them to worship God. They also were able to identify that those who had persecuted the exiles were compelled to give goods, gold, silver, and livestock to the exiles as they came back to help them out in the rebuilding of their homes and the House of the Lord.
Finally we ended with Acts chapter 1 which focused on the events following the crucifixion of Jesus. Even though this was toward the end of the session the kids were definitely energized in this portion of the class. The kids really wanted to read and have their input heard here. They each were able to identify that Jesus had risen and was with the apostles for 40 days after his resurrection. They also were able to identify that the apostles went to Mount Olive for prayer, that Judas was punished for his betrayal of Jesus, and that Mathias was chosen to replace Judas as the 12th apostle.
Overall this was an extremely good experience for not only my children but also for me. It was spiritually fulfilling to see the kids excited to hear the Word and actively participate in discussion. What was even better was to hear Gregory come out of the room talking about how it was the best hour of his life. I will continue to flood my children with the Word as it is my duty. I learned in AWANA this week while working with the kids that it is said in Deuteronomy 6:6-7; Basically put, teach my children about the Lord at all times. Thank you for reading and God bless.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.G.E.D.D.
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