One thing that all of us who work throughout the week have
in common is our longing for our weekends to come. For some of us this is
Saturdays and Sundays, for others they are other days during the week. What I
am going to share with you all is my Saturday Sabbatical routine.
Well to start off with I get to sleep in until I decide to
wake up, that’s usually around 11 or 12 in the afternoon. Then my wonderful
wife has my breakfast and/or lunch ready for me to eat so I can eat and
immediately head out to do whatever it is that I want to do for the day. I then
finish off the evening by watching whatever movie I want to watch and playing
my video games without interruption. Sounds kinda too good to be true doesn’t it.
Well its not.
Truth is my Saturday’s and other days off that I might have
tend to be the busiest days of the week for me. I have a continual commitment
to the Lord to teach His word to the students each and every week. This
commitment is usually the focus of almost everyday that I have off. I also have
a commitment to my family who barely get to see me throughout the week. So
these days off I also try and incorporate them as much as I can into my day. So
now we will take a look at what today actually looked like for me and how it
will end.
Woke up at 7 am with my wife and kids
Brought my computer into the house from the car so I can complete this weeks lesson.
Ate breakfast with the family
Took the kids to post for the snowflake festival
Spent time with the kids and wife
Brought my computer into the house from the car so I can complete this weeks lesson.
Ate breakfast with the family
Took the kids to post for the snowflake festival
Spent time with the kids and wife
This is just what my morning looked like until mid
afternoon. Now I have the evening coming up and this weekend will be a little
different than normal. My wife has her Christmas party with her ladies ministry
tonight so its me and the boys. I am currently working on my blog as you can
see. When I am done with this I will continue to prepare my lesson for tomorrow
and then I think we will end the evening by watching the new Batman together.
It is interesting what we look forward to throughout our
week. I personally look forward to teaching God’s Word and spending time with
my family. Some prefer to be alone to wind down. What do you prefer to do on
your Saturday Sabbatical?
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