Drastic Changes
Over this last weekend my wife and I had a few conversations about how we have drastically changed our family’s normal routine and life around the house. We also discussed some changes we would like to make within the home in the near future. For myself I can tell you that I am elated that all these changes revolve around God and the Church. I have listed below some of the changes that have been made and the ones that we are thinking about making here shortly.
When my family and I started attending Church at First Baptist Church of Rosepine, it did not take long for us to make the decision that that was where we wanted to be. With that decision came our family’s first major change in the house. From the moment that we realized that was where we wanted to be spiritually, we made sure to revolve our schedules around God and the Church in every way. Our favorite days of the week quickly became Wednesday and Sunday. These are the days that we get to worship God with our Church body and see the people that we look forward to seeing all week. My wife and I were talking about it last night and it was definitely a conscious and deliberate decision to make, and believe me when I tell you it was not a hard one to make. In fact, when and if the occurrence happens that we are not able to attend ANY Church function, the sadness and sense of emptiness that is within us is almost sickening. We have both completely dedicated our lives to Christ and want to spend every minute glorifying Him.
The second change that was made for us in the house was the decision to home school the children. We made this decision whole heartedly knowing that it was going to be a hard road to follow, but we made it to bring our family closer not only physically and emotionally, but also spiritually. We are able to have some quality one on one time with the kids involving their school work, not just a check the block thing that you get from doing homework with them. Even though the teaching is hard (mostly on my wife), there is a definite reward when one of your children unexpectedly says something in a public setting that shows that they are actually learning what you are teaching.
One of the biggest changes our family has made is how we deal with all of our issues that come up in our lives now. We do not make any choices in our family anymore without first praying about it and following what is laid on our hearts. There have been opportunities here lately where I am definitely being tested and had I not taken a step back and prayed on the subject, I would have failed the tests. So we have definitely made it our priority to take a step back from all major decisions and pray about them as a family and seek His advice about what we should be doing.
A major and drastic change that is coming in my house is going to be the limiting of the TV. There is no doubt in my mind that this will be one of the hardest changes to date since the TV has been burnt into our daily routine for so long. Starting tonight the kids and I are going to start the Bible in a Year program as part of our Bible study nightly. Hopefully this time will help to take away from the TV and help to teach my children more about the Lord and His Word. We will be reading together 4 chapters a night and I will do my best to teach them what they are reading. In addition we will really start to crack down on the amount of video games that they play, especially when it comes to Sunday’s. This day is a day for God and family so kids get ready to say Goodbye to your video systems.
If you would have asked me a year ago if I would make these changes, I would have told you absolutely not. Now I couldn’t imagine our lives any other way. Everything in my life has gotten better since I found Christ and the Church and I guarantee that it will only get better. I am finding that the more of my life and vises that I give over to Christ the stronger my life gets and the love in my family gets stronger. If you haven’t made this leap yet I can only ask you WHY? What do you have to lose? It is not hard to say at all, I am a JESUS FREAK and I am proud of it. Thank you for reading and God Bless.
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