Exodus 19: 5Now if you will listen to Me and carefully keep my covenant, you will be My own possession out of all the peoples, although all the earth is Mine
When you see the word obedience in your normal everyday life a lot of different things come to mind as to what that can mean. Some see or hear the word and do the exact opposite; they relate obedience to submission and become immediately defiant against what they are being told to do. As a Christian I have learned that when God puts something on your heart and leads you in the direction that you should go that it is my responsibility to be obedient and do His will. Some things here recently in my life that have come up are perfect examples of this.
I have been going to college on-line now for about 6 years I think. My level of dedication to this adventure had been minimal due to a few factors in life that I would love to blame, but I am starting to understand it was because I never had a true direction with what I wanted to do or was being led to do. I started my degree in criminal justice with a minor in forensics, then when it was apparent that I would not be able to be a police officer because of my disabilities I switched to homeland security. That did not last so long as I lost interest in it, I then kicked around the thought of going through nursing school, and then quickly switched over to business management. I was kind of just floating out there. It wasn’t until I had accepted Christ that I had that overwhelming sense of direction laid upon my heart. That is when I realized I wanted to study everything that I could about Christianity and our Lord and the Ministry. Since I had obeyed what was put on my heart everything has been pretty much gravy from there. Sure there was the speed bump with Moody Bible Institute but I now know that was Gods way of telling me he had a different direction and school for me to attend. This was even more reinforced last week when I was talking to my mother and it finally donned on her what I was going to college for and that I was going to be pursing spreading Gods word and working toward becoming a pastor. The first thing that she said was that there was going to be no money in it, it was hard for me to explain to my mother that this decision has nothing to do with money or fame or acclaim, but that it was something that was put on my heart and I had no other choice that to obey what I was being led to do.
My professional life here recently has given me some very interesting opportunities as well. I have had the chance to apply for higher paying positions that would help out in my house financially. Given the opportunity to make a good amount of money in a short period of time which would help to financially take care of my family. The problem was that with each one of these opportunities it would have affected my schooling. Although they each looked so good when I first heard about them, after talking to my better half and us praying about these situations it just was not what God has in store for me. It is clear that school is what I need to be focusing on and I will not let anything material get in the way of that.
Most recently I have the opportunity to be a part of a team that will help to expand our Church growth and reach other people in the community. Reach, Share, and Serve is the focus for my Church body/ family and it is definitely more than just a motto to my family. My children thoroughly enjoy the S.O.U.L. program this summer and love helping people. My wife and I pour all our time into whatever our Church might need, whether it is in Children’s Church, the Nursery, AWANA, or media we are here to serve the Lord in whatever way He commands us. With this new project that my Church has going we were asked to pray over whether or not we would like to participate. I have been praying and I have made the decision to obey what has been put on my heart and to commit myself to this project. I know that this is the direction I am supposed to go, through this project not only will I be able to help Grow my Church body, but I will be able to Reach, Share, and Serve the community, and I will also continue to grow spiritually through this process. The whole time doing this being able to Glorify God through my faith with my works.
So as a Christian I my views on obedience are fairly simple. I said at the beginning that obedience is a responsibility but let me correct that by stating that obedience to God is not a responsibility but as a Christian it is my Duty to be obedient. Thank you for reading and God Bless.
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