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Friday, July 29, 2011

Sunday the Best Day of the Week

Favorite Day of Week
                Ask most people you know the question; what is your favorite day of the week? For the most part the answer that you get will be Friday. Why is this you think? End of the work week, start of the party weekend, or start of the sports weekend are the answers that you will probably get out of most people. For me, if you ask what day is my favorite, I will tell you Sunday. When you give that as your answer most people look at you like you are CRAZY.
                About 2 months ago I realized quickly that there Sunday had rapidly become the day of the week that I just looked forward to all week long. Sundays for me have become a day of true rest or the Sabbath, but not in the way you would think about. You hear rest and think that it means lounge around watching football and just basically chilling. For me Sunday’s are the exact opposite of lounging around though. My family and myself are on the go almost all of Sunday starting right off in the morning when we wake up. Most Sundays are the day that we as a family sit down in the morning and have a good breakfast together to start our day.
                Then we move on to heading to the Church for fellowship and worship with our Church family. Let me tell you, this is just good stuff here. I completely love going to the Church and studying with my group and listening to my pastor speak the truth of the Word. The spiritual fulfillment that I receive on this day is something that I crave for throughout the week. This is something that I strive to feel every single day, but on Sundays being with the Church body and worshipping God together with my family just completes my week. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not just a show up on Sunday Church attendee who thinks that as long as I attend Church on Sunday I am doing all that is needed to please God. I have fully taken up the motto of Live in the Word, Under the Word, and in Prayer. It’s just that Sunday for me brings it all together. I often find that a lot of the stuff that I experience throughout the week and the questions that I have had are addressed somehow. For me that helps me to solidify what I have been studying and praying about all week.
                From our worship service, my family and I head to the house to have our family time. We have actually made Sunday a day that our children must spend time with not just each other, but my wife and I as well. Whether that is just watching a movie together, enjoying the pool, or playing a game together the point is that we are doing it as a family. I have found that even if we do nothing at least we are doing nothing together.
                Then we head back to Church to begin our Sunday night activities, which for the time being is participating in the S.O.U.L program right now. Myself and the boys are a part of the outdoor team in where we go into our community and focus on helping the people in our community that are unable to maintain their yards on their own for whatever reason they might have. Now I know I have said this before but I want to stress how good this feeling is. I am able to take my boys, who if I was to ask to mow my own lawn I would get nothing but complaints. Yet I am able to go to a complete stranger’s house and ask my boys to do yard work and they do it with nothing but smiles on their faces with no expectation of a reward. Now for me this is just God good.
                Our evening usually winds down after that with the kids getting ready for bed and my wife and I relaxing with each other. So again I will say to you, my favorite day of the week is Sunday hands down. For me it is an awesome day to reset, worship, and get ready for my upcoming week. Thank you and God Bless.
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